Updated collections: SURBALIN honan and seda
The wonderful dyed-through cover and endpaper SURBALIN honan with its fine linen structure is now much brighter and more colourful. The fine colour shades such as pastellblau, vanille or pfirsich, which were previously only available in SURBALIN seda, are now also available in honan. Now, the material will be successively switched from 135 g/sqm to 115 g/sqm. SURBALIN honan 3111 diamantweiß is also available as sheet size 70 x 100 cm long grain.
We have also revised the colours of SURBALIN seda and added zartgelb, senfgelb, lila and pink.
Now we can offer you all colours of SURBALIN in at least two surfaces.
Please request the two new collections now for free.